The acupressure treatment was traditionally first originated from China. It is also known as (TCM) traditional Chinese medicine. It is a similar practice to acupuncture. The pressure is predominantly applied by fingertips in this acupressure treatment.
You can visit our Sharma’s Aarogya Therapy Centre for Acupressure treatment in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad. Dr Aanchal Sharma is a licensed practitioner who applies pressure to specific acupressure points. It helps you to restore healthy energy flow. Acupressure aims to restore the balance of energy flow within the body. Stimulating specific points, it is believed to release blocked or congested energy, promoting healing and overall well-being.
Sharma Arogya Therapy Centre is unique centre for all the medical problems. I had been there for problem of knee pain and got the relief very soon. Mrs. Anchal Sharma is very much thorough in her profession and having very deep knowledge. Even you can get immediate relief from the pain. She is very soft in speaking, listens the problem very patiently and very punctual in time and treatment too. I strongly recommend everyone, who seeks the therapy and assure that you will get entire satisfaction. Since, patients use to visit from Delhi too. Visit her clinic at least once and get satisfaction. As satisfaction guaranteed.
Rakesh Chaturvedi Patient